Guidelines and Webinars
For anyone providing services to the public
- Webinar: How to make services accessible for people with communication disabilities
- Guidelines for Communication Access Final
- Tips for different communication contexts
For Police, Legal and justice Services
For Healthcare Services
For Human Rights Agencies
- Recommendations for monitoring the complaint process within the Accessible Canada Act
- Article 12 in the UNCRPD
For Speech-Language Pathologists and Augmentative Communication Clinicians
- Communication access legislation webinar
- Webinar: How to make services accessible for people with communication disabilities
- Guidelines for Communication Access Final
- Tips for different communication contexts
- Communication Support Questionnaire Form
For People who have speech, language disabilities and allies
- Communication Access Rights
- Communication Support Questionnaire Form
- What to expect from an accessible organization
- Negotiating your communication access needs
- Accessibility Checklist
- Communication access pictures and words